
This section covers licencing issues such as who can hold a licence, the licence criteria and how to apply.

  • Q:What are the eligibility criteria for holding a CFS licence?


    You can apply for a CFS licence if:

    • You are a third-party organisation negotiating debt repayment offers on behalf of a client to creditors; and
    • You are an organisation that is involved in making decisions about whether a debt repayment offer should be accepted.

    The CFS is not designed to be used by the general public as it needs to be prepared by a third party organisation. If you are a member of the public and want assistance with preparing a budget sheet please contact a free, independent debt advice agency.

    Alternatively you can call National Debtline on 0808 808 4000 for telephone advice or visit the National Debtline website.

  • Q:Who needs a CFS licence?


    If you wish to use the CFS and to be able to access to the trigger figures you need to apply for a licence. Access to the CFS trigger figures and the CFS budget sheets are only available once you have logged in using your licence number and licence key.

  • Q:How do I apply for a CFS licence?


    You can apply for a licence by completing the online application form.You must read the licence agreement before submitting your request as you are required to accept these terms as part of the application. It is free to make an application and use the CFS licence.

    Please note that the address and telephone number provided on the application should be for your organisation or place of work.

    We will process your licence request within 2 working days of receipt.

  • Q:How do I know that a CFS has been completed by a licensed user?


    A genuine CFS will show:

    • The logo of the sponsors Money Advice Trust (MAT), the British Bankers' Association (BBA) and the Finance & Leasing Authority (FLA) on the financial statement summary sheet; and
    • The licence number for the organisation that prepared the financial statement.

    These requirements are set out in the terms of the CFS licence agreement.

  • Q:Is the CFS licence required for each user within an organisation?


    The CFS licence covers users at an organisational level. Therefore, only one licence is required for each organisation and details of the licence can be shared with colleagues internally.